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Salak Hospitality HOMS service

1. Feasibility Study

One of the services provided by HOMS is to help prepare a Feasibility Study. Feasibility study is the result of an evaluation and potential analysis of the proposed or planned project. This analysis is based on an extensive and detailed investigation and study conducted by a competent team in the field. The analysis includes several aspects, namely Market and Marketing, Management, Finance and Technical. The results of this analysis will come to the conclusion of whether the proposed or planned project is feasible or not.

2. Hotel planing and design

Hotel planing is carried out by our team of qualified professionals who are specialized within the field and have property experience. They provide assistance in terms of architecture, design and technical support to owners, developers and investors to ensure that the construction of a new hotel or a completely renovated hotel meets the hotel standard that leads to easy operation and efficiency of both human resources and costs.

We deliver innovative Architecture, Engineering, and PM/CM services globally. World Class Services. Team Of Experts. Services: Planning & Design, Building Design Services, Interior Design And Engineering Services, Program And Construction Management. we believe that each space is unique. Our aspiration is to enhance qualitiy of space, with serenity and beauty at its core.

The scope of Hotel planing:

To act as a liaison between Hotel management, owner, planner and architectural consultant as well as contractor. The responsibilities cover all aspects of reviewing project planning, design and specifications. The coverage areas include: Guest rooms, Meeting Rooms, F&B Outlets, Kitchen, Laundry, Management Office, Public Area Facilities, and Parking Area.
To conduct supervision visits before hotel opening and check the hotel’s furnishings, fixtures and equipment for compliance with the standard specifications of the proposed star hotel.
To ensure all requirements, such as design standards, construction, and operational meet the standards of the proposed star hotel.
To ensure the hotel fully complies with the National/International Life Safety Standards.

The scope of Technical Assistance:

  • To act as a liaison between Hotel management, owner, planner and architectural consultant as well as contractor. The responsibilities cover all aspects of reviewing project planning, design and specifications. The coverage areas include: Guest rooms, Meeting Rooms, F&B Outlets, Kitchen, Laundry, Management Office, Public Area Facilities, and Parking Area.
  • To conduct supervision visits before hotel opening and check the hotel’s furnishings, fixtures and equipment for compliance with the standard specifications of the proposed star hotel.
  • To ensure all requirements, such as design standards, construction, and operational meet the standards of the proposed star hotel.
  • To ensure the hotel fully complies with the National/International Life Safety Standards.
  • Service fee IDR 35.000.000/room.

3. Pre opening

Management Set Up is a planning stage of creating hotel main system for hotel operation. Management Set Up can be done either by creating a new system or evaluating and revising an existing system. The purpose of this stage is to create the most effective and efficient system for hotel operations, where the final results is to get the maximum Gross Operating Profit (GOP). Management Set up Includes the arrangement of Organizational Structure, Working Area Zoning and Task Units, SOP and Job Description, Work Flow and Flow Chart, Training Matrix and Hotel Quality System.

4. Hotel menagament

HOMS - Salak Hospitality can work together as an operator/management of property/hotel for a certain period. Our duty is to manage and evaluate hotel operations in order to obtain the maximum Gross Operating Profit (GOP). Our strength as an operator is that we are experienced in the Hospitality Industry and Education for more than 18 years. We are affiliated with Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor (STP). All Standard Services and Technical Assistants are under the direct supervision of Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor (STP).